Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Day 9- 16 days old

I can't believe my baby is already 16 days old!

Looks like kangaroo time has to wait until they can get him more stable ventilator wise. When I held him 2 days ago it pushes the tube further down than they'd like. So, they had to pull it back a bit and have positioned it now so it won't easily move. They have him swaddled in a way so he won't pull at it either.

Rounds today: they're doing a couple things to try and circumvent having surgery. They're condensing his iv nutrients to lessen amount of liquids on the lungs, giving him a dietetic which'll increase his output and possibly help drain excess liquids on lungs. They're also weaning him more on his vent settings, pressure wise to help give his lungs a break. He has another blood gas at 4 which tells if he's happy or not with the new settings.

The doc said there's a 10-15% chance that by doing these things the PDA might close on its own. But if not, it looks like possible surgery Friday. They'll do an echo tomorrow.

Children's grounds are really nice. This tree at night is so pretty.

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