Wednesday, December 26, 2012

5 weeks 2 days old

Chance had a restful day!  The drain tube is hanging on by a tread so once it falls out completely, the doctors can proceed with the upper GI.  We enjoyed a couple hours of kangaroo time today!  I look forward to that time every day.  He was laying higher on my chest than he has any previous holding.  High enough where I could rest my chin on his precious little head.  And high enough where I could press my nose up close and smell him.  He had another dose of lasix today to help get off excess liquid that's hanging on around his lungs. 

Prayer requests of late:
  • GI study to come back showing no perforations in his bowels or intestines 
  • Feeding to begin SOON and for his body to be receptive 
  • Another eye exam coming up soon and for the results to be clear of ROP
  • Healing of his lungs and to be able to get on cpap soon
Another prayer request is for a baby named, Eleanor Joy, who was born yesterday at 26 weeks old.   


  1. This pic is so cute.He really keeps his eyes open a lot.
    Prayers for the exact things you asked are being said daily.We love all of you....

  2. I love how he always looks snuggled up to you! He loves his momma!

  3. Aww he's so happy and content laying on his Mommy!
