Saturday, December 8, 2012

19 days old

Chance is having a much better day than yesterday. PTL! He's stabilizing well and surgery is still on for Sunday or definitely Monday unless some unforeseen issue arises. Which, as I'm learning, I have to be prepared for the unexpected.

The "A" bead finally arrived so I finally got to string his beads of courage! I filled up the 1st string and had to tie a 2nd one on to finish stringing all the beads.

Here he is happily on his side.


  1. He looks snug as a little bug in a rug with all his bumpers around him and a foot kicked out. Happy today s a better day

  2. Hehe....He does look as snug as a little bug:) I smile every time I see him:) Prayer is a powerful thing:)

  3. As I read your posts daily, I am in awe of God's love and concern for every moment in our life and how He desires to be in fellowship with us Jesus came to this Earth as man so He would understand our joys and our sufferings He loves us so much and wants us to cast EVERY care upon Him - none is too small
