Sunday, December 2, 2012

Day 6- 13 days old

Kangaroo care is delayed until tomorrow after they do his morning tests. They're trying to get his nutrition levels down and they have direct access to do what they need to do thru his belly button.

On the plus side, when I do get hold him, it'll be for 1 hour! So, we're now shooting for mid morning to early afternoon.

Patience is a virtue.


  1. You are once again, AMAZING!!!! Praying for his levels to go up:)

  2. He looks like he is getting bigger! Prayers to you, Joc and baby Chance!

  3. I'm so excited you get to hold him soon, I hope today is the day! You've been added to many prayer chains through my co-worker/friends, we know he is a fighter. Give him a kiss from his Great-Aunt Jules!
