Monday, December 3, 2012

Children's day 7-14 days old

We've had three awesome days and nights. I woke up this morning feeling the devil trying to consume me with fear and doubt. I felt something just wasn't right. I was just waiting for something to go wrong.

Not that I'm doubting our Lord and his amazing healing power in any way, I just... I don't know.

So, after rounds today. His morning lung x ray came back looking not so good. There was visible liquid around his lungs. The doctor is thinking that the PDA, the valve in his heart did not close. What that does is floods the lungs with blood and will take blood away from his kidneys, bowels, and abdomen area. He was given medicine at birth when they realized it. That medicine is what causes his bowel issue. Which is getting better!

Surgeries are never with out complications. But I have full faith in my Lord and Savior that he'll see Chance thru this.

There's a mom of a little girl who was in first grade at my school last year. She was also born at 25 weeks and went they the same surgery. I was encouraged when she said that Amanda's condition really improved after the surgery.

Just waiting on echo, the docs to look at results, and a decision will be made.

I know all of you have been powerful prayer warriors for our little man.

This is another BIG prayer for ya!!

He's doing well besides the PDA.

My handsome boy is 2 weeks old today.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the update! What a little miracle that I know God will continue to heal!!! Praying!
