Monday, January 14, 2013

8 Weeks old- 33 weeks adjusted

 "This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalm 118:24

I just love good days at the NICU!  Nothing in this world makes me happier at this point.  I'm all too familiar with the feelings the bad days bring so I WILL rejoice in today!  

God has allowed our precious Chance to grow and thrive.  Our faith in Him has never been stronger than it is now.  The brain scan hasn't happened yet but it'll be done sometime today.  I'll update the results when I get it.

Last night, his picc line was leaking.  The picc line is the main line where all iv nutrients and any other medications go through.  It's been in his foot basically since day one.  Well... IT'S OUT!!!!!  That is HUGE news everyone!  That means he is no longer needing iv nutrients because he's getting all his nutrients through my breast milk.  Yes sir'ree, Chance is on FULL FEEDS!  They've increased his feeds to 32 ml/3 hours, that's over 1 oz people!  They're starting iron supplements which will eventually help keep his blood level up so he won't need blood transfusions.  He's also starting a different diuretic which hopefully will be more beneficial in helping out his lungs than lasix was.

Last night's measurements: 3 lbs. 14 oz. and 15.35 inches long.  Probably by next week he'll be able to start wearing clothes!!!!

They've weened his vent settings today and will get a chest x-ray and gas tomorrow to see how he liked it.  If all looks good, they will take the tube out and try NIPPV again.  They say with his age and weight, he should be able to breath on the NIPPV but we have to take into account his chronic lung disease too.  So, 3rd times a charm?!?!  We will see!  Prayers for the healing of his lungs please.  After he tackles his breathing, the next hurdle will be learning to latch which can be very difficult for preemies.

The dietician showed me Chance's growth chart today after rounds and he's on target in his weight, length, and head circumference!   


  1. I'm so happy for you!! Everytime you post his growth I mark it on my desk!! Yes I mark it on my desk with a sharpie!! Our God is an awesome God!! Praying for you!!!

  2. Ashley,
    I miss your sweet face every day. I am giving your students extra TLC everyday because I know they miss you so much. I am so encouraged by your postings and how God is showing Himself in such a personal way. It is so inspiring.

    Check out Psalm 27. It is my very favorite chapter in the entire Bible and is always so special to me because it so expresses God's love and his protection for each and every one of us.

    1. I miss y'all too! That was a wonderful chapter, God has sheltered us very much so! Thank u for sharing.

  3. Good news! I think of you & Chance each day. God is watching over you. Y'all remain in my prayers.

    1. Cindy! I miss you! Thank you for your prayers.

  4. He is just beautiful! "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well" - Psalms 139:14

  5. praying again today that his lungs will be healed enough to where he doesn't need to go back on the ventilator
