Thursday, January 3, 2013

45 days old- Got Milk?!

Wow, today is a BIG day for our little guy! He starts feeds today!!! Now, when I say feeds, he's not quite eating pizza and tacos YET. Believe me with a dad who LOVES tacos, he'll be eating them soon enough! ;-)
He will start out today with 10 cc total. So 2 cc every 3 hours. The goal for the first few days to a week is to coat his stomach and to kick start his gut into learning to accept the milk and to digest it. Goal: to get the gastric working! These foods are what they call trophic feeds, not nutritional feeds because they're in smaller volumes. They put the milk down a feeding tube and then pull back up the contents in his stomach before the next feeding, called checking for residuals. They look to make sure it's digesting as it should.
It is scary cause he could possibly get NEC again, so they'll be watching him like a hawk. Feeding breast milk does lower the risk though because it's easier to digest and has protective antibodies.

Also, Chance was sick and tired of having that annoying breathing tube stuck down his throat SO he decided to pull it out last night. He's now trying NIPPV again, Nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation.
He's doing well as of now so fingers crossed!

He got second eye exam today as well. The doctor said his looks perfectly normal for his age. He'll get rechecked in 2 weeks.

Gosh, busy day for him!

Here he is sucking on his paci and his first milk!! She put a drop of milk on the paci and he went crazy. Not quite the way I pictured him feeding but this whole thing wasn't quite the way I'd pictured!


  1. It's amazing to watch God's lil miracle to grow and be so courageous! I love the picture of you putting your cheek on his head. It reminds me as a mom of the little things I take for granted so the last several days I have held my kids closer and kiss and hug them all the time. Thank you for the sweet reminder everyday how precious my kids are to me and how blessed we are to have them in our lives! So proud of Chance and I CANNOT WAIT to get to see him again!!! You blog brings tears to my eyes every time I read them:) Thank you Ash for letting us see in to your heart! Praying for you everyday, every time I think of you, Joc, and Chance. Love ya girl!!!

  2. Had to get caught up on all the posts - we had been gone for 13 days. It was so WONDERFUL seeing all the progress of Chance!! He is definitely growing and getting some meat on his bones! He looks WONDERFUL!! We LOVED seeing all the pics, especially of his Daddy getting to hold him for the first time! That was just amazing to see that! Both of your men looked happy. I love seeing all the Kangaroo pics of you and Chance! It is amazing and wonderful to anticipate ya'll bringing Chance home this year! :) Loved seeing him get that milk too! You mentioned mother's milk, I assume you're wanting to nurse him at some point? If you're pumping that's fantastic, but if there's issues there, may I suggest something? There's a certain essential oil that's bottled by Young Living called Fennel. There have been many testimonies that putting a drop or two under the tongue for a few days causes there to be an abundant supply of milk. I've tried it too just to see, and it's true. It worked for me! If you want to do that, just let me know and I can have it shipped to you. My email address is: Also put your name in the subject box so I don't delete it accidentally. :)
    We're still continuing to pray for the three of ya'll! Even though we were gone on a trip and I wasn't able to check your blog, I still thought of ya'll a lot and was constantly praying! Love hearing and seeing all the good news! We love ya'll!
    ~Ryan and Melanie Cox

  3. What an exciting week! WOW! Love seeing him get milk! He's going to start packing on the lbs now and this will be great for his development. You and Joc are doing such a great job with this precious boy. Rejoice and be glad for today is a great day! Chance is adorable. Praying for full feeds and no residuals.

  4. What an exciting and major day!!! I have been reading the blog daily and following your journal which is similar to our now-healty and perfectly normal 7 year old. Your skin contact and love with Chance will pay off...we are living witnesses to the miracle of touch and belief in miracles. You see many miracles in the NICU and they are handed out generously to those with great faith. We will keep praying and may you and Joc find continued strength and hope!
