Tuesday, January 29, 2013

71 days old

Chance enjoyed his pacifier dips this morning. He sucked on the pacifier as breast milk was dropped on it. Yum, yum!! As soon as he's on the nasal cannula, we'll be able to try introduce the breast and bottle.

I worked with the physical therapist yesterday on some vestibular sensory therapy. We sat Chance up in a seated position and slowly rocked him left to right and back and forth. He did really well with that too! He was just looking all around looking like a mini Michelin Man with his head gear on!

Please continue to pray for the healing and strengthening of his lungs and that he'll be able to move to the nasal cannula soon. As well as take to feedings like a champ!

He's now 4 lbs 9 oz!! And they've increased his feeds to 42 ml/3hrs.


  1. Yummy - Pacifier dips! :-) Chance just keeps getting bigger and bigger - I'm loving it!

  2. praying for ya today
