Wednesday, April 3, 2013

It's no coininkidink!!

That I constantly see, read, or am sent Chance's birth verse Jeremiah 29:11. Had to share this today.

When unexpected things happen — trials, difficulty or tragedy — the enemy sends a whirlwind of fear to try to shake our faith and steal our focus. His goal is to take our eyes off of God and cause us to feel overwhelmed by circumstances. But if we will choose to stay focused on the love of God, if we choose to meditate on His goodness, the truth will set us free from fear and ground our hearts in confidence.
Today, know that God loves you perfectly. He is a good God. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that His plans for us are for good. He has thoughts of peace, not for evil. He wants to give you a future and hope. Anytime thoughts of fear come, replace them with words of love. Just declare, “Thank You, God, for loving me. Thank You for leading me into peace. Thank You for hope for my future.” As you meditate on His love and goodness, you’ll feel faith rise up in your heart. You’ll feel hope, you’ll feel strength, and you’ll feel empowered to move forward in the good path He has prepared for you.

Chance had his first OT visit yesterday which went really well. The therapist was very encouraged at how well he's doing from a reflex, muscle tone, and movement view point. He was able to master the "super man" stretch which is one of the key things they look for in their initial eval. She said Chance is exactly on target for his adjusted age. Yay buddy!!! Maverick has found his long lost friend. He always wants to be near Chance!
Including a pic of throw back puppy Mav. Awwwww!!!


  1. An awesome post!! Have a wonderful bday tomorrow:). Your "other" kids made cards for you that I'll drop off. So glad you get to spend the day with your little guy AT HOME!! PTL!! He is so good and I am always reminded that He gives us what we need at just the perfect time.

  2. Maverick is becoming such the little protector! I bet they will be great buddies. :)

  3. Ashley,

    When things get crazy and seem uncertain, I always picture me surrounded and protected underneath the water of Holy Spirit. Above the water, a storm might be raging and swirling around me but I have underneath in His protective arms.
