Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Swallow study results & Week 1 at OCH

Chance did so well in his study!  Thank you Jesus!!  He's not aspirating at all so were going to begin taking him off thickened feeds tomorrow morning ;-))  He was actually having fun, all smiling and loving the attention!

There is a little pooling in the back before swallowing but that's normal for his adjusted age (6 months). My heart is so happy it's smiling right now!  Thank you for all the prayers. We know by now they work!

I feel like Chance has made some great progress this week.  We found a nipple/bottle that he's taking really well and he's letting his therapist get inside his mouth to do oral motor exercises!  Can't wait to see the progress he makes from here!

These pants finally fit him!!
Miss these babies
Therapy dog night!

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