Monday, August 19, 2013

Happy 9 Months old!

Chance is 9 months old today-5.5 adjusted!  Things have been going pretty smooth.  He still is very inconsistent with feeding.  I'm actually checking into an intensive inpatient feeding therapy where I would stay with him.  Dealing with a child with feeding issues is relentless and isolating.  Praying we can get help now before it worsens.  Better to take care of it now than deal with a toddler with feeding issues.  He's now up to 14.4 lbs and as cute as ever :-)) 

 He started out in the middle of the mat on his back! 

 My sweet friend Charlotte- please pray as she battles cancer.

 He's almost outgrown his lounger.

 A great reminder


  1. My sweet baby girl was just prescribed a cranial remolding helmet. She's 7 1/2 months old (5 months adjusted). I was wondering what your experience was with it. How many weeks/months did he have it?

    I have been following your blog (found it on babycenter) for a long time now. I think our due dates were pretty close. Your little Chase is absolutely darling!

    1. Hey!! I'm so happy you're following Chance's blog!! He was born 11-19-12. When was your little girl born? Regarding the doc band, of course to begin with we weren't too excited about it. But, it's the best thing we could've done. He made awesomely, fast progress and now has a nice, round head! He wore it just a little over 2 months. The worst part is going on every week for the adjustments, keeping your baby cool (middle of summer) and just keeping the helmet clean. We just took it off Thursday for good ;-) where are you located?

    2. My due date was March 13 but started preterm labor December 2. I was on strict bedrest until my water broke on January 2 at 30 weeks.
      We are located in Southern California. We just had images done today for her helmet...we'll be getting it in about a week and a half. Hoping she adjusts well to it...I'm sure it'll be harder on us than her!

    3. It is always harder on the parents. Chance never showed any displeasure or discomfort from it. It's good you're getting treatment so soon. The you her they are the faster progress they make! Good luck!!
